The New LG has Launched the second generation of smartphones curved or successor to the LG G Flex. south korean company LG electronics has launched the L G Flex 2, the second generation of smartphone come with much better specs and designed with a layer of self healing, G Flex 2 features a 5.5 inch display, which runs on Android V5.0 OS lollipop, 64-bit Processor Octa-Core and 2GB RAM. LG claims the headset can heal scratches on the panel within 10 seconds.
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According to specification - sheets, LG G Flex 2 runs Android 5.0 OS Lollipop, it support a 5.5 inch FHD curved P- OLED display showcase 1080 by 1920 pixels, It measures 149.1 x 75.3 x 7.1-9.4mm, and weighs arroud 152grams, the rear panel is offered with self healing coating that can heal scrathes on the body in just 10 second.
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The LG G Flex 2, for the Photos and videos featured smartphone with 13MP rear and OIS + Laser auto focus for imaging quaality,The headset sports a 2.1MP secondary camera for Video Calling and self Potrait, In terms of connectivity, The LG G Flex 2 Support 4LTE, 3G, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/nac, Bluetooth Smart Ready ( Apt - X ) 4.1, Slimpport, A-GPS / GLONNAS, NFS, USB 2.0 and 3.5mm headphone jack, 3.00mAh capacity Battery ppowering the device.